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Patient Evidence Submission Tip Sheet

The new Patient Evidence Submission Tip Sheet for a pCODR drug review offers guidance on the type of information that should be included in a patient-group input submission and how it can best be presented. The tip sheet is based on reflections and suggestions from the pCODR Expert Review Committee.

pCODR Submissions for Oncology Drugs

pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Submission GuidelinesThe purpose of the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Submission Guidelines is to:– provide guidance to Submitters in the preparation of Submissions– ensure Submissions meet the needs of the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR

Patient Treatment Decision Guide

The people who wrote this guide are patients, like you. They have a disease or health problem that affects them in ways that change everything. They have had a lot of experience learning about their disease or health problem, and about the healthcare system. They know it can be difficult to choose from among treatment options.

This Guide is called a Treatment Decision Guide because it is based on an approach that uses the science of treatment decision-making in the health field. This Guide will help you ask clear and focused questions of people on your healthcare team, and get answers from them.

The Guide will also help you learn more about how Canada regulates drugs and products used in medical treatments. We hope the Guide will give you a clearer picture of treatment options, no matter how experienced a patient you may be.

Patient Guide (EN)

Patient Guide (FR)

Clinical Trials

How to find clinical trials in Canada. 

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